A parade sleigh at the Pavillons de Bercy

At the museum

A new object has joined the museum’s company: an 18th century dragon-shaped sleigh !

With a wooden carved, painted and gilded dragon and a stunning leather interior, this is a true parade sleigh.


Sleigh rides were highly popular among the aristocracy in northern Europe during the 18th century . The elite enjoyed winter strolls on frozen lakes and snowy grounds. This very sleigh comes from the collection of the Mérode family and was formerly displayed in their castle in Tronchiennes.

This sleigh is an example of the dragons, mermaids, unicorns and other fantastic beasts that were used as carousel figures in the 19th century.

Fairs enabled the popularization of certain types of entertainment and transportation that were originally reserved for the elite such as horse riding and bicycles. Carousel makers were certainly inspired by the richly decorated sleighs and coaches, so they designed parade gondolas and fancy carousel figures to mimic these items. It was a way to enable their visitors to escape and dream during a carousel ride.

Festival du Merveilleux 2024

<h4>From December 27 to January 5, discover the Festival du Merveilleux! </h4>
Many new shows will amaze young and old, all in a friendly and warm atmosphere. This is an opportunity for the public to discover the museum at their own pace, to be amazed by the exceptional heritage preserved in the museum’s various rooms and to attend many impromptu shows.

<strong>Purchase of tickets in advance recommended.</strong>

We recommend that you <a href=”https://arts-forains.tickeasy.com/fr-FR/accueil”>buy your tickets</a> online in advance. These tickets are not queue-jump tickets but guarantee you can attend the festival. If the on-site capacity is reached on site, we will no longer be able to let visitors in without tickets. Favor the mornings.

The usual guided tours of the museum will resume after the holidays.

<h4>Vigipirate Emergency Attack Plan</h4>
Suitcases, large bags and scooters are not accepted in the establishment. Please note that we do not have left-luggage facilities. Our teams reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone who refuses a visual inspection of their belongings.<br /><br />