Reviews of the Musée des Arts Forains in international press


Our selection of articles about the Musée des Arts Forains :

Our museum is “one of Paris’s magical secrets”, not known by many visitors who prefer the traditional blockbusters museum.

Maybe the articles below will change your mind and help you understand why our museum is unavoidable!

The New York Times  A Paris Museum at Play by Sarah Moroz

The Washington Post One of Paris’s magical secrets: A hidden funhouse and century-old carousel you can ride by Maura Judkis

France Today The Musée Des Arts Forains: Woody Allen’s Paris Film Set by Mary Winston Nicklin

The Star Paris museum lets visitors interact with fairground artifacts by Leslie Yip

The Musée des Arts Forains among others :

The Guardian  All the fun of the fair: Paris’s best retro attractions by Isabel Best

France Today The secret museums of Paris by Justin Postlethwaite

Daily guided tours all summer long

In Paris this summer?
Make the most of it and visit the Pavillons de Bercy!
All visit slots are posted online.
There is no possibility of visiting without prior booking.